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Free Stuff and Library

Natural Child Birth

Birthing From Within by Pam England: Possibly the best pregnancy preparation book available. This is an amazing site as they even have doulas in each area listed. I think the birth of my daughter would have been so much more wonderful if I had had found this when I was pregnant. She is trained in all these fabulous exercises!

Women’s Wisdom Woman’s Bodies by Dr. Christine Northrup M.C.: Chrstine Northrup’s chapter on Pregnancy and Birthing is particularly useful as she combines the medical side of pregnancy with the emotional factors many of us feel at a core level and outlines the transformational power of pregnancy and birth.

The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin

Th Book of Weeks Your Baby’s Development from Conception to Birth – by Roxburgh et al.

A New Life: Daily Readings for a Happy Healthy Pregnancy by Martha Vanceburg

Pregnant Fathers by Jack Heinowitz

Mother’s Nature Timeless Wisdom for the Journey into Motherhood by Andrea Alban Gosline, Lisa Burnett Bossi and Ame Mahler Beanland

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